Don and Mary Benson

In May of 1965 Mary and I were saved and baptized after ten years of marriage and became members of Columbia Road Baptist Church, Mason, Michigan. Shortly after salvation, God called me to the full time ministry of preaching the Gospel.

I attended Midwestern Baptist College in Pontiac, Michigan and graduated in May 1970. I received my Doctorate of Ministry in May 2000 from the West End Baptist College in Easley, South Carolina. I also received a Doctorate of Divinity that same year.

I pastored for 32 years and then God gave me a burden for Christians around the world that had no Bibles. I resigned my church and became a full time missionary with BEAMS in November 2002. Since that time, I have traveled to many churches preaching the Word of God and sharing the ministry of sending Bibles to missionaries on the foreign fields.

Mary has been a real companion in this ministry. Without her, it would be difficult to continue going to churches and sharing the ministry. She has a vital part in all that is accomplished. She truly is a help meet to me and a faithful missionary getting the Word of God to those who get saved.

The ministry of BEAMS is a local church ministry under Faith Baptist Church, Gulfport, Mississippi, where Dr. Dan Carr, Sr. is pastor. We are sent out as full time missionaries by this church. All of our support comes from churches and love offerings given by the churches where we share the ministry.

We believe that God wants everyone to have a copy of God's Word. Many people who get saved on the foreign fields cannot afford a Bible or find one to purchase, so we want to help them by sending Bibles to missionaries free of charge.

The Great Commission is given to everyone who is saved, whether in America or other countries. Without a Bible, the task is almost impossible. Help us to meet the needs of people all across the world.


Don & Mary Benson 
Missionaries in TN 

Ray Dombeck

Bro. Ray is a valued member of the BEAMS Bible Ministry in supplying whole, hard-covered Bibles for missionaries around the world. He is serious about preaching, seeing souls saved, and getting Bibles into the hands of new converts around the world who have no access to a Bible.

Since 1996, Bro. Ray has made many missions trips to a dozen countries, spending several months during a trip helping out missionaries. It was his personal contact with nationals and their need for Bibles that gave Bro. Ray a burden for the BEAMS ministry.

Bro. Ray is also a chalk artist. The illustrated sermon leaves a lasting impact on listeners as people retain more of what they see rather than what they hear. Combining chalk art with the BEAMS ministry has provided Bro. Ray an excellent opportunity of getting the burden and the need for Bibles into the church.

The primary purpose of BEAMS is to raise funds through the offerings of local Bible-believing Baptist churches for the printing and distribution of Bibles to missionaries in need.

As a full-time missionary for the BEAMS ministry, Bro. Ray lives by faith, receiving his support from churches that take him on with a monthly love offering. He does not receive any financial help from offerings given for Bibles. His home church is Central Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, MS.

Please keep Bro. Ray Dombeck in prayer as he travels for the BEAMS ministry and desires to see souls saved.

Ray Dombeck

Randy and Lynne Freeman

Bro. Randy Freeman surrendered to be a full-time BEAMS missionary. Bro. Freeman was commissioned on February 17, 2019, as a BEAMS Missionary out of Ben’s Ford Baptist Church, Bogalusa, Louisiana, where Bro. Caleb Martin is pastor.

Bro. Randy, along with his wife, Lynne, will be traveling in the state of Louisiana to represent BEAMS. 

Randy and Lynne Freeman

René and Freda Freret

After 24 years as pastor and founder of Temple Baptist Church in Gulfport, Mississippi, God called us to be missionaries with the BEAMS Bible Ministry. I resigned as pastor of the church on June 1, 1997 to be full-time with the BEAMS Bible ministry.

Since 1997, the Lord has greatly blessed the BEAMS ministry. We give the Lord all the praise and honor and glory. The ministry has grown from serving 12 missionaries to over 1,700 independent Baptist missionaries and national pastors; from supplying 25 complete, hardback King James Bibles, or equivalent in other languages a month, to averaging 8,000 to 10,000 a month; and from serving in three countries to over 150 countries.

The ministry of BEAMS helps independent Baptist missionaries in two ways. We supply six whole hardback Bibles a month per missionary. For $48.00 a month a church can supply one missionary his Bibles. The second way is by Special Projects. When a missionary needs more than six Bibles, we create a "Special Project" on this missionary and then seek to raise the funds to supply this need. Sometimes missionaries need 100 Bibles, 500 Bibles, 1,000 Bibles or more.

May God continue to bless each and every one of you.

Sincerely yours,
Your Missionaries
René and Freda

Delmas and Judy Knight

On May 1, 2003, I resigned as Pastor of Walker Springs Road Baptist Church, Jackson, Alabama, to become a full time BEAMS missionary. I pastored for thirty years, having started one church, which I pastored for 9 years. I also pastored three other Independent Baptist Churches where God placed me to serve. 

We are excited to be a part of this much needed and vital ministry, and are confident that this is the Lord’s will for our lives. Our on going health issues prevent us from traveling to churches. We are still serving at the BEAMS home office. Our home church is Faith Baptist Church in Gulfport, Mississippi, Dan Carr, Sr. Pastor.

Yours for souls & Bibles, 
Brother Delmas Knight 

Arthur and Rhonda Lockard

On August 7, 2011 Dr. Arthur Lockard resigned as Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Palestine, Texas to follow the leading of the Lord to join the BEAMS Bible Ministry as Missionary Coordinator and Assistant to the Director. Dr. Lockard currently serves at the BEAMS headquarters as a BEAMS missionary and Executive Director. Dr. Lockard has served the Lord in various positions since entering the ministry. He has been a Youth Director, Song Leader, Assistant to the Pastor, and Pastor. He has served on the Board of a Seminary and Volunteer Fire Department.

Dr. Lockard and his wife, Rhonda, have been happily married since June of 1990. They have two married daughters and two granddaughters. 

Arthur and Rhonda Lockard

John and Cindy McElroy 

While pastoring Landmark Baptist Church, Mexia, Texas, Bro. McElroy attended a meeting in which Dr. Freret was one of the speakers. In that meeting, Dr. Freret emphasized the need for BEAMS missionaries. The seed was planted in the heart of Bro. McElroy and his wife. On August 5, 2018, Bro. McElroy was commissioned and sent out of Faith Baptist Church in Gulfport, Mississippi .

The McElroy's primary mission field is Southwest Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. 

John and Cindy McElroy

Alvin and Sharon Roberts

Dr. Alvin Roberts following the leading of the Lord became a full-time BEAMS missionary in March of 2012. Dr. Roberts has pastored two churches: Organized and pastored Frontier Baptist Church, Pontiac, MO and founded, organized and pastored Living Water Baptist Church, Chaparral, NM. Bro. Alvin has two daughters, two sons and 14 grandchildren.

Bro. Roberts' primary mission field is Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. They are sent out of Berean Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri.

Alvin Roberts

Tim and Debbie Scott

Dr. Tim and Sis. Debbie Scott. . They surrendered to be fulltime BEAMS missionaries for the state of Arkansas in 2024. The Scotts come to BEAMS after serving the Lord in various ministries. Dr. Scott has served as Pastor, Co-Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and has been involved in writing and producing Christian School curriculum. The Scott's have 12 children.

The Scott's' primary mission field is the state of Arkansas. They are sent of Faith Baptist Church of Gulfport, Mississippi.

Tim and Debbie Scott

Don and Pat Smith

In October of 2012 Dr. Don Smith resigned as Pastor of Garrett Baptist Church, Garrett Texas to follow the leading of the Lord to become a full-time BEAMS missionary. Dr. Smith has served the Lord in various positions: Assistant Pastor, Administrator of a Christian School, Church Planter and Senior Pastor. Bro. Don and Sis. Pat have been married for 50 years. They have two adult children, both serving in the ministry and eight grandchildren.

The Smiths' primary mission field is the state of Texas. They are sent our of Ambassador Baptist Church in Ennis, Texas. For more information on the Smiths click on the link to their website:

Don and Pat Smith

Jim and Cathy Velazquez

On January 28, 2019, Bro. Jim Velazquez resigned as Pastor of Harvest Baptist Church, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and assumed the title of Pastor Emeritus/Evangelist. Bro. Jim began seeking the leading of the Lord for his ministry following retiring from the pastorate. He received several invitations to join mission ministries, but did not have the peace of God. After a seeing a presentation of the BEAMS ministry by BEAMS Missionary Alvin Roberts, he immediately felt that Lord had answered his prayer. On March 15, 2020, Bro. Velazquez was commissioned and sent out of Heritage Baptist Church, Pueblo, Colorado. Bro. Velazquez has served the Lord in various positions: Youth Pastor, Principle of a Christian School, Bus Director, Co-pastor, Senior Pastor and Evangelist. Bro. Jim and Sis. Cathy have been happily married since 1977. They have four adult children.

The Velazquezs' primary mission field is the states of Colorado and New Mexico. For more information on the Velazquezs, please visit their Facebook page: BEAMS Heritage Baptist Church.

Jim and Cathy Velazquez

 Cecil and Kathey Young

Bro. Young has served the Lord in several positions in the ministry. While serving, God began working on Bro. Young's heart about the need for Bibles around the world as he was announcing the annual BEAMS Bible Day offering. During a meeting that BEAMS Missionaries John and Cindy McElroy were representing the BEAMS, God stirred Bro. Young's heart to surrender to be BEAMS missionaries. The Youngs were commissioned by Faith Baptist Church, Gulfport, Mississippi to be BEAMS missionaries in 2023. 

The Young's primary mission field is the state of Michigan. 

Cecil and Kathey Young
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